Sermon Notes : Pastor Steven Furtick – God’s Got the Hard Part

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Hi friends! Below you’ll find my notes for Pastor Steven Furtick’s sermon God’s Got the Hard Part. This message is from Elevation Church on November 10, 2024.

You can click here to watch God’s Got the Hard Part on YouTube.

I’ve also linked the Bible verses, so you can click on those to read them if you’d like.

Please remember that these are not my own thoughts, but rather the notes that I took while listening.

Be sure to leave me a comment below with your favorite takeaway from this sermon. Mine is when he said God is so good that we take him for granted. 🤯

Sermon Notes : God’s Got the Good Part

  • December 8 is Year End Offering. 
  • I can’t just take the teachings of Jesus and be transformed I have to have a relationship with Jesus.
  • Through the Holy Spirit that he sent he can take a teaching and transform us through it. 
  • Mark 4:26-29
  • Jesus is trying to take a think they have no seen and try to make them understand the concept with no context. 
  • It’s hard to understand something when you haven’t lived it. 
  • Some of the things that are wrong in this life will be righted only in heaven. 
  • Bridging the worlds together: the one you can see, and the one you can’t see. 
  • Nothing that God starts starts any other way than small. 
  • To introduce you to something foreign, he speaks of something familiar. 
  • Jesus came down to our level so he could raise us up to his. 
  • Come up. 
  • Don’t talk about what people are like if you’ve never lived it. 
  • It doesn’t have to stay this way.
  • God is good, but life is hard. 
  • He’s not so high that he doesn’t see how hard it is for you. 
  • He knows how hard it is for you, even when you’re smiling so no one else can see you struggle. 
  • When we need healing, he knows what it’s like because he was hurting.
  • He came in a body to get to you, and reigns in power to get you to him. 
  • It takes faith. 
  • Scatters. Sickles.  
  • He’s willing to work for it, and we have to be as well for anything that is worthwhile in our life. 
  • We think God ought to bless us because of how good we are. 
  • Just because you’re not aware of him doesn’t mean he’s not there. 
  • The soil is the hero of the story. 
  • You forgot that he promised to do the hard part. 
  • All by itself, the soil produces grain. 
  • It needs a seed, but is not dependent on the seed in any other way. 
  • Your part is not the main part. 
  • God is so good we take him for granted. 
  • If God had already done a miracle then, then there will be another. 
  • We have the bread with us. 
  • Mark 8:14-21
  • We are focused on the hard thing, and when we focus too much on the hard thing, we forget our help. 
  • Your sowing is not the most important thing when it comes to the sovereignty of God. 
  • Do you still not trust Jesus?
  • It’s scary when you don’t have your next step planned. 
  • The place where the most happened was the place that was the least visible.  
  • I won’t look like I went in when I come out. 
  • In order for the seed to be bread, it must be buried. 
  • Let go. 
  • Everything in your life has to go through thr soil to be what it’s meant to be. 
  • God has got you in this place in your life because he’s pulling out something.
  • It is not a death, it’s a stage of development. 
  • There are certain processes that we don’t have to understand. 
  • If we do what we’ve got other do with it in development it will have maximal impact. 
  • Unless you refuse to be planted, you are not the star of this story. God will do the hard part. 
  • We try to put our death grip on the seed and try to tell it what to be. 
  • Stop trying to produce somebody else’s purpose. 
  • You don’t have to fulfill anybody else’s calling. 
  • You don’t have to produce anything that God didn’t out in you. 
  • Whatevers in you will be produced until it reaches its full potential. 
  • Before its bread it must be buried, but before it was buried it was already bread. 
  • Something is happening in your dark place. 
  • God the father us the soil, and Jesus the savior is our seed. 
  • You have to go through some things to become what God had called you to be. 
  • But what you need to be it is already in you. 
  • You already are chosen and loved by God. 
  • If you keep sowing, you’ll keep seeing that God’s got the hard part. 
  • It’s waiting for the tike to come forth. 
  • Matthew 26:26
  • Whatever comes after this, He’s got it. 
  • When you don’t know how, the how part is not your part, it’s God’s part. 

Thanks for taking the time to read today. If you’d like to see more of my sermon notes from Elevation Church, you can click here.

By Renee